Saturday, October 18, 2008

How Do I Read and Write Roman Numerals?


This is the new home of my blog that helps people read and write Roman Numerals. Since March 2007 I've been helping people write Roman Numerals (on the Wordpress blog) for birthdays, anniversaries, children's birthdays and tattoos.

I have answered over 1000 questions about how to write Roman Numerals.

Please feel free to continue asking questions via the comments. I'll answer ASAP!

If you want to read through the 1000+ questions and answers click the following link:

1000+ Questions and Answers About Roman Numerals


Want to impress your friends and family? Learn how to read and write Roman Numerals. It’s easy!

First there are 7 distinct numerals from which to create all the other Roman numerals:

I =1clock.JPG

V =5

X =10

L =50

C =100

D =500

M =1000

To create other numerals you will need to combine two or more of the seven. So, for example, number 2 is II, 3 is III, but 4 is IV. Why? because IIII (four of the same number together) becomes unmanageable. Four then is created by placing I in front of V and subtracting 1 from 5 which equals 4.

So far then we have numerals for our Arabic numbers 1-5. We continue simply adding I to V: VI = 6, VII = 7, VIII=8, but 9 is IX. For the same reason we didn’t use IIII for 4, nine is created by placing I in front of X and subtracting 1 from 10 to get 9 (IX).

Are we beginning to see a pattern here?

Numerals above X (10) are XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX is 20.

Then XXX = 30, XXXI = 31 and so on.

XL = 40, XLI = 41 etc.

LX = 60, LXX = 70, LXXX = 80, XC = 90

Let’s try to create a number in Roman numerals. How about 1944. Let’s start from the left:

1000 = M

900 = CM

40 = XL

4 = IV

Put together the numeral is MCMXLIV.

Most of the time Roman numerals are used to express year dates, especially the date for the making of a movie or a television program. Roman numerals are also used on formal documents and papers, analog clocks, and on building cornerstones.


Click on the chart above for larger view.

Feel free to ask any questions via the comments. And I will answer you ASAP.

**My e-mail is on my profile page if I take a little too long in responding... I try not to. But feel free to use my e-mail to get a faster response.**

maryt/theteach Smileys


1 – 200 of 1036   Newer›   Newest»
Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's great ! you know when I learned it in school I didn't understand a thing ! it just didn't get in my head ! I really learned it from my personal roman, Mr. Gattino who showed me how it works on ..... grave yards, lol !!

baby6499 said...

How do I write June 4, 1999?
Thanks for your help!

maryt/theteach said...

baby6499, June 4, 1999 = VI IV MCMXCIX :)

ellen said...

hello, wish you have a nice day!!

Jan said...

Mary, this is really cool.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary,
First and foremost, what a great service you offer. I'm looking to write September 25 -no year.
Much appreciated

MonStar said...

Hiya..would u be able to tell me how to write

in Roman Numerals please?

T.R. Riley said...

Hey I saw ur last page and just wanted to know if my translation of this date was correct...
July 19 2008


Also, will it effect anything if i use dots to seprate each number... this is going to b a tattoo, so I want it to be easily read as a date

maryt/theteach said...

Jenny, September 25 = VII XXV

monstar, 22/6/1990 = XXII VI MCMXC

t.r. July 19 2008 = VII XIX MMVIII (2008 has is MMVIII)

Sorry for the delay, it won't happen again! :)

Anonymous said...

I wanted to know how you would write 11/23/78 and 10/04/2006 in roman numerals. Also, can you add the dots in between or is that not okay. Thanks for your help- it is truly appreciated!

Anonymous said...

what would the number MCMLXXX+MMCCCLX= if i wanted to add those together equal

Anonymous said...

Hi, I want to get my sons DOB tatoo. It is 11-7-2008. Can you tell me the Roman numerals please.

maryt/theteach said...


10/4/2006 = X IV MMVI No dots in between the numerals, just spaces, okay? :)

1980 + 2360 = 4340 written in Roman Numerals is IV(with a bar over it)CCCXL :)

11/7/2008 = XI VII MMVIII :)

Anonymous said...

Could you please confirm these two dob's please
02/09/2008 and 21/09/1980

Krystle22 said...

Hi, I was just wondering I am looking to get a tattoo of my birthday. How would I write October 22 1988.. which would be
10 22 1988

Anonymous said...


How do I write August 30, 1976-(8/30/1976) in Roman Numerals?


Is that correct (I'm getting a tattoo and I don't want a PERMANENT error)?

maryt/theteach said...

Lee, 2/9/2008 = II IX MMVIII and 21/9/1980 = XXI IX MCMLXXX :)

Krystle, 10/22/1988 = X XXII MCMLXXXVIII :)

Anonymous, VIII XXX MCMLXXVI is correct! :)

Unknown said...

Hi, Mary
How in the world did I come upon this blog? I was doing a search for Salvador Dali images!

What a useful blog!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I was wondering if you could please tell me how to write 20.02.1992 for me please. I am hoping to get this as a tattoo and I would appreciate it very much. Thank you x

maryt/theteach said...

Megan, 20/2/1992 = XX II MCMXCII No periods between numerals. :)

Anonymous said...

Tank you =]

Anonymous said...

B-Day is may 20th 1997 what is that in roman numarels

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, May 20, 1997 = V XX MCMXCVII

Unknown said...

Hi! How do you write April 10th, 2008

Thank you in advance.

kiiten85kate said...

Hi I'm looking to get a tattoo 12.07.2008 - is it usually DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD and can you have it vertically or just horizontally...
Thanks in advance

maryt/theteach said...

Jackie, April 10, 2008 = IV X MMVIII

kate, 12/7/2008 = XII VII MMVIII This is the way you write it. You can write it vertically if you like...

Unknown said...

Will you confirm the years of my childrens births? 1988, 1991, 2994,
2004, and 2006. Thank you for your time and expertise.

Unknown said...

It's me again oops...typo error, 1994 not 2994. LOL.

maryt/theteach said...


1991 = MCMXCI
1994 = MCMXCIV
2004 = MMIV
2006 = MMVI

5 kids, eh, danielle? Congrats to you!!

Unknown said...

thank you so much for your timely response. happy new year!

Unknown said...

thank you so much for your timely response. happy new year!

Anonymous said...

how do i write octoer 1 2006 in roma numerals

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, October 1, 2006 = X I MMVI :)

Anonymous said...

i want to put a tattoo in the back of my neck with the date me and my boyfriend got together. but i want to make sure i put the correct number =] the date is 12.04.08

Anonymous said...

This is amazing!
I suffered a miscarriage my fifth month of pregnancy and i want a tattoo of what would've been my due date (feb.8th 2009), i'm not sure if i want roman numerals or a broken heart with the due date in the middle..any advice on where i should get it?

is II/VIII/MMIV correct for 2/8/2009?


maryt/theteach said...

Belen, 12/4/2008 = XII IV MMVIII :)

Shiva, 2/8/2009 - II VIII MMIX :) (you had 2004!)

maryt/theteach said...

Shiva, do you mean where on your body to get it? Or where in the country to get it... :)

I'm sorry about your miscarriage. It depends how obvious you want the tattoo to be... Tell me more.

Unknown said...


Can you please give me the correct way to do:

September 9, 2007

Thank you....

Hubby is going to get this tattooed tomorrow - it's our wedding date.

maryt/theteach said...

Sept 9, 2007 = IX IX MMVII Hope I'm not too late... :)

Anonymous said...

HI! How would u write :



Randall_griggs said...

How would June 20th 1985 be written? Im using it for a tattoo on my wrist! Thanks for your help

maryt/theteach said...

Emily, 3/3/2008 = III III MMVIII
4/30/2009 = IV XXX MMIX :)

Randall, June 20, 1985 = VI XX MCMLXXXV :)

Randall_griggs said...

Thanks a bunch for the quick reply!

Anonymous said...

hello i would like to now how to write the date 13-3-2002 and 3-8-2003 for mij kids! thanks a lot! em

Kacie said...

I have 2 numbers that I have been trying to translate for my next tattoos. The first is 21320, and the other is 12/17/2007. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi! i wave two kids which i want to get there birth dates in roman numerals.
My sons birthday is 02/04/2006
and my daughters is 12/03/2008
if you can show me how to wriet both it would be greatly appreciated thank you

maryt/theteach said...

alba, 2/4/2006 = II IV MMVI

12/3/2008 = XII III MMVIII :)

Anonymous said...

hey can u tell me how to write 26.06.92 in roman numerals?
thanks so much =]


Kacie said...

I had left a comment earlier: I have 2 numbers that I have been trying to translate for my next tattoos. The first is 21320, and the other is 12/17/2007. I cannot seem to get the right translation.

maryt/theteach said...

Kacie, I'm sorry I missed your earlier post...

21320 = XXI(with a line over the top of the numeral)CCCXX

12/17/2007 = XII XVII MMVII :)

maryt/theteach said...

sam, 26/6/92 = XXVI VI MCMXCII :)

Anonymous said...

Hello How do I write the dates 3-25-2001 and 9-22-2005. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi -How do you write 13/2/2009


Anonymous said...

Anon, 3/25/2001 = III XXV MMI
9/22/2005 = IX XXII MMV :)

Alison, 13/2/2009 = XIII II MMIX :)

Anonymous said...

Please can you advise what 1983 would be on it's own.

Many Thanks

D x

maryt/theteach said...

Dx, 1983 = MCMLXXXIII :)

Anonymous said...

thanks sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!
now i can get my tattoo.

-sam =]

Angie Pauli said...

Hello. My brother recently passed away and i was thinking of getting his death date inked on me. Can you please tell me what

01-21-2009 is??

is that even how its written or is it written like 21-01-2009 (or 09)

please let me know! thanks in advance!

Angie Pauli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
maryt/theteach said...

Angie, I'm sorry you lost your brother. 1/21/2009 = I XXI MMIX

If you live in the United States the form for the numerals is as I gave it to you above. If you live in Europe, Britain, Canada the form is: XXI I MMIX Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thanks in advance. Looking at 10/6/2007. Is X VI MMVII Correct? Also wondering if I can run that vertically instead of horizontally. May be a dumb question, but does it mean the same thing that way. (Wedding date tattoo) Thanks again.

Angie Pauli said...

Thank you very much miss mary.

Anonymous said...

when writing dates, does the day come before the month? would september 11, 2008 be IX-XI-MMVIII or XI-IX-MMVIII?

Anonymous said...

Hi me and my partner are thinking about getting matching tattoos,so could you translate

Kristy xx

maryt/theteach said...

Kristy, 1/6/87 = I VI MCMLXXXVII
7/6/84 = VII VI MCMLXXXIV :)

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, yes the numeral is written correctly. And yes you can write it vertically - it means the same thing. :)

maryt/theteach said...

Jillian, if you live in the United States the date is written month/day/year. If you live in Britain, Europe, Canada it's day/month/year. You've written the numerals correctly. :)

Anonymous said...

how do i wirte november 19, 1999

or november 19, 99

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, November 19, 1999 = XI XIX MCMXCIX :)

Anonymous said...

how about november 19, 99

Jann said...

Hi, may i know how do i write 16 may 1987 in the form of dd/mm/yyyy?
thanks alot!

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, we don't shorten Roman Numerals. :)

Jann, 16/5/1987 = XVI V MCMLXXXVII :)

Anonymous said...

how do you convert february 9 2004 and april 26 1975 in roman numeral. i want to get a tattoo of one of these

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, 2/9/2004 = II IX MMIV

4/26/1975 = IV XXVI MCMLXXV :)

Anonymous said...


maryt/theteach said...

Anon, 99 = XCIX :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Coukd you please tell me how to write the date, 22nd December 2008. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Great site. I just want to be sure about 2 birth dates. Are these correct?

1/11/2007 = I XI MMVII
11/29/1977 = XI XXIX MCMLXXVII

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, 22/12/2008 = XXII XII MMVIII :)

Anon, you are correct! :)

Anonymous said...

I am wanting to get a tattoo with my birthday in roman numerals.
My birthday is 8/14/1986. can you tell me how to write that?

Anonymous said...

I know you've answered soo many questions about figuring dates out, but I'm hoping to get a tattoo of my parents and sisters birthdays and want to get it correct! Haha.
Here they are:
Spetember 24, 1995
September 26, 1994
December 12, 1969
September 16, 1968

Thank you so so so much! :]]

Unknown said...

Is 4.10.1987 IV.X.MCMLXXXVII?

maryt/theteach said...

Yes, Danny, but no dots.

maryt/theteach said...

Anon of March 9 & 10:
September 24, 1995 = IX XXIV MCMXCV
September 26, 1994 = IX XXVI MCMXCIV
December 12, 1969 = XII XII MCMLXIX
September 16, 1968 = IX XVI MCMLXVIII

trish said...

hi found this really helpful!! getting a tattoo of my son and daughters date of birth could you tell me how 2 write

05.02.2005 and 29.12.2008

i very grateful for your help

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much I realy appreciate it! :]

Anonymous said...

Hi can you please tell me what 18/07/1985 is in roman numerals? Thank you :)

maryt/theteach said...

trish, 05.02.2005 = V II MMV
and 29.12.2008 = XXIX XII MMVIII :)

maryt/theteach said...

Kristie, 18/07/1985 = XVIII VII MCMLXXXV :)

Anonymous said...

Another question: I know you've been telling people to not put dots in between, but I saw a pic of Rihanna's roman numeral tattoo with dots in between, is that wrong??

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, classic Roman numerals are written without any periods in between. But if you want to follow wht Rihanna does who am I to tell you not to...:)

Anonymous said...

When you write a date in Roman numeral does the date go before the month? For example, if the date was March 3, 2009 would it be I III MMIX or III I MMIX

Anonymous said...

Please can you show me how would you write.


Thank you so much
Danni. xxxxx

maryt/theteach said...

Anon of Mar 14: Sorry I took so nlong to get back to you. In US dates are written (and subsequently Roman Numerals) month/day/year. In Britain and the Commonwealth dates are written day/month /year

Anon of Mar 24: 20/6/1983 = XX VI MCMLXXXIII :)

Anonymous said...

hi...Can you translate November 11, 2008? and if I'm writing it as a date would it be incorrect just to have November 11?

Anonymous said...

i would like to get a tatto of a date in roman numerals and would love your help please,the two diff dates are June 11, 2001 & November 24, 2005

Anonymous said...

Hi great blog, so useful!I'm looking to get a tattoo of mine and my fiancees birth dates and would really appreciate your help. 18/06/1975 and 25/03/1978. Thanks!

Jen said...

hey this is an awesome site! how would i write 2/6/88 and 5/11/07? thanks!!

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend is wanting to get his birthday in Roman numerals as a tattoo. How do you write July 4, 1985?

maryt/theteach said...

Anon of Mar 26: I'm sorry I'm so late! Nov 11, 2008 = XI XI MMVIII

Anon of Apr 4: June 11, 2001 = VI XI MMI and November 24, 2005 = XI XXIV MMV

Anon of Apr 6: 18/06/1975 = XVIII VI MCMLXXV and 25/03/1978 = XXV III MCMLXXVIII

Jen, 2/6/88 = II VI MCMLXXXVIII and 5/11/07 = V XI MMVII (don't shorten the year date in Roman Numerals)

Anon of Apr 7: July 4, 1985 = VII IV MCMLXXXV :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,

Anon of Apr 6th here, aka Justin. Thanks ever so much for your help with this I'm really grateful. All the best x

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,

I wanted to know why can't u put dots in between the roman numerals
to seperate the numbers.

maryt/theteach said...

Anon of Apr 10: no dots! It's just not done that way! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi i would like to know how to write the date 18 april 2009 (18-04-2009) this is for a tattoo, many thanks dave ;)

maryt/theteach said...

Dave, 18 Apr 2009 = XVIII IV MMIX :)

Anonymous said...

What would be the translation for August 26, 2005?

Anonymous said...

how do i write june 7, 2008? thank u

maryt/theteach said...

Anon of April 14: Aug 26, 2005 = VIII XXVI MMV :)

Anon of April 17: June 7, 2008 = VI VII MMVIII :)

emmab said...

how do i write: 28.01.1991?
thanks :)

Anonymous said...

how would you right May 26 ,1990 in roman numerals ????

Lee said...

Hi could you let me know how to write June 27 2009 in roman numerals as i want to get them engraved on our wedding rings many thanks

palmer89 said...

I am thinking of having 1989-MCMLXXXIX done as a tattoo and was just wondering if roman numerals are only meant for catholics?


Anonymous said...

Hi, could you tell me how I would write the 2nd of october 1988? (2/10/1988) In that order please :)

palmer89 said...


Unknown said...

"Shiva, do you mean where on your body to get it? Or where in the country to get it... :) I'm sorry about your miscarriage. It depends how obvious you want the tattoo to be... Tell me more"___

Thanks so much for answering!! I've decided to get a tiny footprint with wings on top of my foot with the due date in Roman Numerals under it, Thank you for the correction ^_^
i love what you do

Anonymous said...

Hello!! How do I write February 05,2009?

Thank you in advance... Maria!! =)

maryt/theteach said...

Maria, Feb. 5, 2009 = II V MMIX :)

G0tRiCe87 said...

hi my name is anita,

How do i write march 23. 2009 in roman numerals. Its the date of birth of my daugther. ANd hOw will i get your respond im very new to this.

Thank yOU

G0tRiCe87 said...

its anita again or you have any suggwstio to write it. march 23 2009

- 3/23/09


emma said...

hello, i was wondering how to write
28 january 1991 (28.01.1991) ?
thanks for your help

maryt/theteach said...

Anita, March 23, 2009 = III XXIII MMIX :)

maryt/theteach said...

Anita, 23 March 2009 = XXIII III MMIX
The form matters depending on where you're from: U.S. it's month/day/year; Britain and Europe, it's day/month/year

maryt/theteach said...

emma, 28 January 1991 = XXVIII I MCMXCI :)

Anonymous said...

may 6,2009 how do u write this in roman numeral!

gem said...

Hi im looking to get tattoo of my daughters birthdate 15/5/2006 can you tell me if i have done it correctly please XV V MMVI
Thank you very much!

Louise said...

Hi :)I'm looking to write 23.11.99 in Roman Numerals. Can you help? Many thanks!

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, may 6, 2009 = V VI MMIX :)

gem, you are correct! :)

Louise, 23/11/1999 = XXIII XI MCMXCIX :)

Anonymous said...

Can you please tell me how to write 08-20-2008 my e mail address is Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

how would you write october 9th 2005

sonya said...

hi could you please help me write april the 22nd 2009 thanks heaps

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, May 3: Oct 9, 2005 = X IX MMV :)

sonya, April 22, 2009 = IV XXII MMIX :)

Anonymous said...

What would April 25, 2005 be in roman numerals? My son's birthday and I'd love it as a tattoo.

maryt/theteach said...

Anon of May 6th:
April 25, 2005 = IV XXV MMV :)

Anonymous said...

How do you write:

April 1 2004 - or 4/1/2004?


Hoolah5 said...

I need your help! How do I write October 20th 1997
April 20th 2002
June 28th 2002

Thank you so much for your help!

Hoolah5 said...

I need your help! How do I write
October 20th 1997
April 20th 2002
June 28th 2002
Thamk you so much for your help!

Anonymous said...


Just thinking of getting my wedding date tattooed in roman numerals and I want to make sure I have the right numbers. Could you please show me how 24 June 2006 is written in Roman Numerals? Thank you so much in advanced.

Anonymous said...

Hi could you tell me how to write this birthday out 5-22-1982. Please.

Anonymous said...

how do you write April 9, 2008? It's my son's bday and I want to get it as a tattoo.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Mary, Great service to be offering by the way.

I am having a tattoo of my birthdate which is 18th January 1980. I have been told that this would be symbolised as XVIII I MCMLXXX is this correct or are dates written differently?

Anonymous said...


how do i write 5 27 1980

maryt/theteach said...

Anonymous, May 26th: you are correct! :)

Anon, May 27th: V XXVII MCMLXXX :)

Cassi said...

Okay, so just to confirm. Feb. 14th 2007 would be II XIV MMVII?

maryt/theteach said...

Cassie, Yes, correct! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, just wondering how i would write 3/10/2009. Is it III X MMIX? thanks

Brieeee said...

I am interested in getting a tattoo with either my birthdate, or my aunty's death date.
one is 10/08/1991, but am not sure how to write the year. so far i've come up with X VIII MIMI, but am also unsure as to how i write just the '91' rather than entire year.
For the other date. Its the 4/08/2008, and i've got XIV VIII MMVIII, and XIV VIII VIII.
If you could please tell me where I went wrong that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, May 30: you are correct! :)

Brieee: 10/8/1991 = X VIII MCMXCI and 4/8/2008 = IV VIII MMVIII :) Don't shorten the year, give the full year in numerals. :)

hae said...

Im getting a tattoo and I need to know the correct way to write december 20, 1986. Can you please helo me?

Kat said...

Just want to make sure i got these right..
02/07/2005 : II VII MMV
11/04/1983 : XI IV MCMLXXXIII
09/06/1980 : IX XI MCMLXXX

thank u!

Anonymous said...

Hi I am wishing to get a tattoo of when I got married and was looking at roman numerals. I am also unsure which way is the right way to write it dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy. please help the date in question is 2 august 2003.
Thank you simon

belinda anthony said...

How would you write September 3, 2001 and also January 7, 2008

Anonymous said...

I am trying to get my sons birthdate as a tattoo the date is sept 3, 2001. also what is the correct way to write it?

maryt/theteach said...

hae, december 20, 1986 = XII XX MCMLXXXVI :)

simon, 2 Aug 2003 = II VIII MMIII if you write dates day/mon/year in your country that is correct. In the US we write dates mon/day/year. :)

belinda, Sept 3, 2001 = IX III MMI
Jan 7, 2008 = I VII MMVIII :)

anon, Sept 3, 2001 = IX III MMI :)

KAT said...

Can u tell me if I got these right please??

02/07/2005 : II VII MMV
11/04/1983 : XI IV MCMLXXXIII
09/06/1980 : IX XI MCMLXXX

thank u!

Anonymous said...

thank you very much for your help.

Anonymous said...

I would like to have a tattoo with the date:

9 February 2009

What is that in Roman Numerals?

maryt/theteach said...

Kat, you are correct! Good job! :)

Anon (June 9) 9 February 2009 = IX II MMIX :)

Magsjardine said...

Hi i was wondering if you could tell me what 26th may 2007 is in roman numerals?

maryt/theteach said...

magsjardine, 26 may 2007 = XXVI V MMVII :)

Maggie said...

Hi. Can you please tell me how to write July 3, 2009 and 07/03/09 in Roman Numerals?

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

I was looking for some help - need to know what the roman numerals are for December 29th. Also would like to know what it is for December 29th 1980.

Unknown said...

how do you write 500 million in roman numerals? thanks

goodwin.debi said...

How do I write
April 11th, 2009?
Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, how totally cool of you to do this for people. I know how doing a blog can be time consuming, and for you to do this for free for people, your just a great person! Thanks to you, I'll be heading to get my tattoo today! =)

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Love the Roman Numerals Helper: Look at this person's website. I would like to see you post a roman numeral a day!

julia martin said...

how do i write 5 3 2009

Anonymous said...

I want to get my wedding date on me. How would u write, July 2, 2008

maryt/theteach said...

Thanks, Jennifer! :)

Greensboro, &7 is posting consecutive numbers at the moment. But your idea is a good one... :)

julia, 5/3/2009 = V III MMIX :)

Anon(June 20), July 2, 2008 = VII II MMVIII :)

Anonymous said...

how do you write april 17, 2007. thanks :)

Anonymous said...

hey :) could you tell me how you write:

14 November 1991

many thanks :D

Anonymous said...

i was just wondering if you could tell me how to write feb. 17, 2009

thanks so much =)

Unknown said...

Hi could you please tell me how to write 7/19/2006 and 3/25/2002

Anonymous said...

I want to get a totto of my wedding date. feb 10, 2001. How do i write this in roman numerals. Is it ii.xc.mmi ?

Shanna said...

i just want to make sure i have this right. June 21 2008



maryt/theteach said...

Anon (June 21) Apr 21, 2007 = IV XXI MMVII :)

Anon (June 21) 14 Nov 1991 = XIV XI MCMXCI :)

Anon (June 21) Feb 17, 2009 = II XVII MMIX :)

Cerena, 7/19/2006 = VII XIX MMVI
3/25/2002 = III XXV MMII :)

TnLouise62, Feb 10, 2001 = II X MMI (you wrote in lower case) :)

Shanna, you are correct! :)

Lynae said...

Could you please help me convert these two dates....June 16 1994, November 6 1998. Thank you in advance!

maryt/theteach said...

Lynae, June 16, 1994 = VI XVI MCMXCIV :)
November 6, 1998 = XI VI MCMXCVIII

Anonymous said...


Aishley Cole said...

how to write 57,006 in roman numerals? same with 14,627 and 9,444

Jo said...

Hi I Love your website and think it has helped me alot on how to understand and write Roman Numerals .. Thank you

However Could you confirm how to write the 2 following dates;


JOanne x

Anonymous said...

Could you tell me how to write December 9, 2008. Thanks.

garyota said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
maryt/theteach said...

Anon, 5,400,100 = V (with a double bar above the V)CDC :)

Aisley, 57,006 = V (with one line above)DCCVI :)

14,627 = XIV (with a line above)DCXXVII :)

9,444 = IX (with a line above)CDXLIV :)

Joanne, 28/01/2001 = XXVIII I MMI
07/09/2007 = VII IX MMVII :)

Anon, December 9, 2008 = XII IX MMVIII :)

Anonymous said...

How do I write February 22, 2009? Thanks so much!!

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, Feb 22, 2009 = II XXII MMIX :)

Anonymous said...

I want to get a tattoo of my wedding date in roman numerals. The date is February 4, 2009. Please let me know the correct numerals to have tattooed. I really appreciate your help

joanne matchett said...

Hi,i've tried using your table could you please tell me if i have my kids date of births correct:
27/08/1995 - XXVII VIII MCMIXV
02/04/1999 - II IV MCMIX
07/05/2001 - VII V MMI
09/01/2003 - IX I MMIII

Many thanks Joanne

Jay Jeter said...

could you please tell me how to write these dates:

May 24, 1991
May 16, 1968
September 24, 1968

i would really appreciate it.. thank you

Anonymous said...

hi! i would like to make sure i have converted my kids birthdays correctly, and do i add a dash or period in between the month/day-year? jan-15-2003 =
I XV MMIII and feb-2-2005 =


Anonymous said...

hi thanks for your help. can you tell me how to write the 13th of february 2005 please. it's for a tattoo-can i write it vertically?and also would i leave a space between the 13 and the 2 and the 2005?thanks so much

amanda said...

my son wants to get a tattoo of his date of birth so could you please confirm the correct roman numerals for him - many thanks

miggy said...

hello! please help me with my homework :) thanks in advance

Using roman numerals show that half of 13 is 8

Anonymous said...

Hey, please could you tell me if this date is correct, and also how many spaces should be left between the numerals, 1 or 2.

XI III MMV - 11 March 2005

is this correct?
thanks so much

Anonymous said...

How would i write May 16, 1988 - May 1, 2009. Thank you for your help

Anonymous said...

How would I write January 13, 2008 in Roman Numerals?? Thank you for your help :)

Mike said...

Hiya there love the site Just thought i could check my info lol am I right in thinking 16/07/09 is converted to XVI VII MMIX

maryt/theteach said...

Hi Mike, you're right! :)

Joanne Matchett said...

Hey Mary, i left a message on 17th july regarding my kids birthday's could you tell me if i have them all correct please, many many many thanks Joanne

Joanne Matchett said...

Hey Mary, i left a message on 17th july regarding my kids birthday's could you tell me if i have them all correct please, many many many thanks Joanne

maryt/theteach said...

Anon, February 4, 2009 - II IV MMIX

joanne, not MCMIXV but MCMXCV (1995)
not MCMIX but MCMXCIX (1999)
Your third numeral is correct. Your fouth numeral is correct. :)

Jay Jeter:

May 24, 1991= V XXIV MCMXCI
May 16, 1968 =V XVI MCMLXVIII
September 24, 1968 = IX XXIV MCMLXVIII :)

ALivia, you are correct. No dashes, no dots. :)

Anon, Jul7 18: 13 feb 2005 = XIII II MMV. you can write it vertically or horizantally , but no dashes, no dots or periods, just spaces.

amanda, 18 06 1989=XVIII VI MCMLXXXIX :)

miggy, I'm not sure what your teacher is getting at... Could you explain a little better?

Anon, the date is correct. Leave one space between discreet numbers.

Anon, May 16, 1988 - May 1, 2009 = V XVI MCMLXXXVIII - V I MMIX :)

Anon, Jan 13, 2008 = I XIII MMVIII

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